Your empty stomach weight picture is mandatory every week for your next plan to be customized. Though reminders are sent, post missing 2 weight updates with no information as to why – the plan will stand nullified from our end. By no means we ( Dietholics By Vani pvt ltd ) will neither continue the nullified plan nor issue a refund for the same. Please be responsible for your plan and timely updates.



All our clients are very important to us, that’s why Dietholics By Vani (“Company”), has created the following Refund Policy to let You know how we handle the refunds for the services ordered and bought on our website https://dietholics.com (“Website”).

Here, “We” is referred to as “Dietholics By Vani Private Limited.”

  1. We do not have any refund policy. Your registration for the plan is counted as final.
  2. To better customise your plan, we require your meal pictures and timely weight updates as requested by the Relationship manager.
  3. We understand that with us you also become an Incharge of your Progress and any miss from your side can affect your results. Any pictures that we request you to share helps in customising your plan.
  4. In General Plans, you have a Relationship Manager assigned who is working under Vani’s guidance. All your concerns, progress, feedback provided to the Relationship Managers are being discussed with and monitored by Vani.
  5. If post enrolment, you do not inform us about your progress, or Start your plan within 30 Days of joining, your plan stands null from our side and we won’t be adding or adjusting any weeks.
  6. We do not allow any freezing in 24 Days and 8 Weeks Plan and in plan which is 12 Weeks or above, you can only freeze your plan for 2 times during your journey. Any freezing will be upto 1 Month, post that your weeks will start counting automatically from the week you left. Applies to renewal as per plan.
  7. Any freeze or unfreeze request needs to be reported 2 days prior to your Relationship Manager. Any same day freeze request will not be acknowledged.
  8. If you have any Grievances, feel free to schedule a call with Vani(Director and Founder) or drop an email at dietholics21@gmail.com.