Remedy to regulate periods naturally

Below are the 4 remedies that you can use to regulate periods naturally:

Remedy 1 – Wrist Massage
Apply Oil or soap on your wrist. Make a grip from another hand and do rotations clockwise and anti-clockwise. This will balance your hormones. Do on an average 200-300 times on each hand in a day. You can do them everyday.

Remedy 2 – Dry Dates Milk
Boil 1 cup milk with 2-3 Dry Dates (Also Known an chuahre in hindi). Drink this milk before sleeping. Do this for 3-4 days to let the periods begin.

Remedy 3 – Cumin Water
Soak 2 Spoon cumin (Also known as jeera in hindi) in 1.5 Glass water in night. In the morning boil the water with cumin till the quantity is reduced to 1 glass. Strain. Bring it to room temperature. Drink in the morning empty stomach.

Remedy 4 – Ginger Tea
Take 2 cups of water. 5 spoon grated ginger. Boil till the quantity is reduced to 1 cup. Strain. Cool down. Drink at least 2 times in a day.

All remedies are safe to try. But do not do the drinks one for more than 4-5 days. The ingredients are hot in nature and they induce periods really faster.
Even if you skipped them for a month or few months they will really help you.