Ankita’s Journey from 83.4 Kgs to 57 Kgs!

Ankita from Maharashtra approached Dietholics from instagram. With a detailed discussion about her case , though she had a very basic diet and skipped dinner for a month thinking it to be good for weight loss and lost 1kg before joining us.

Important Info – She had No medical issues.

We started our journey on 5th March at 83.4 kgs of weight. Apart from the given exercise Ankita used to walk 10000 steps almost everyday, her meals were always on point. The weight dropped in the first week was 500 gms. By 27th March her weight dropped to 79.2 and we stopped the diet for a while because there was a lockdown because of pandemic then.

All throughout the journey it wasn’t once she got bored of her diet or didn’t enjoy it. Her diet included Roti, Sabzi , Dal , Idli , besan chilla, fruits, paneer, rice , chole , sabudana, sandwich, parantha, soups, smoothies. Almost everything that’s a part of Indian cuisine. Her workout included yoga, core exercises , floor workout and cardio exercises.

In the break time also Ankita stuck to basic home food, water therapy and the lifestyle changes she practiced and lost 3.9 kgs.

We started the plan again on 20th April at 75.3 kgs. On 4th May she Reached 73, which is almost 10 kgs in 2 months all by simple desi diet, workout and most importantly being regular everyday. In May alone Ankita lost another 7 kgs.

We started off june 1st at 65.6 kgs. And by 21st July Ankita reached her goal weight of 57 kgs being 5”3 inches which is her maximum weight.

All throughout this, not even 6 months being completely on diet Ankita reached 57 kgs from 83.4 kgs. Now a lot this has to do with gaining because of irregular eating habits and not balancing out with physical activity and not focusing on lifestyle or water intake for that matter.

When her body started getting proper nutrition, her physical activity increased, sleep timings improved and water intake became accurate as per weight, the excess weight started to drop off easily. And there was no medical problem or hormonal imbalance involved that hinders weight loss at times.

I don’t recall once when Ankita gave up on her efforts , or have asked me to cheat on her diet. And not just meal pictures she was always so particular that she used to update me all her drinks picture, even water intake of glasses whole day that she is sticking to it perfectly. All of it was possible because of her giving her 100% in following what was given.