Case Study: How Payal was able to lose 11.5 kgs despite having PCOS & kidney stones

Payal lives in Pune. She works in a private company and has a sitting job. She contacted me in April end with 75.5 kgs weight and PCOS.

Before contacting me she invested a lot in zumba functional training but couldn’t cope up because of almost 35 kms travel everyday. She started with couple plan with her husband on 5th May.

The moment she saw her diet she wasn’t sure about that because both of them were big time foodies.
Started with full dedication and excitement she reached 72.6 kgs on 12 May (in 7 days).

With her job she used to manage everything- get diet on Saturday, shop groceries on Sunday and meal preparation everyday , also some meals varied in her husband’s diet but everything was always perfect.

Because of PCOS she didn’t get her periods since 24th feb. Within 10 days of proper diet workout and lifestyle she got her periods naturally. Which was one small achievement towards a big goal.

After everything going smooth she got detected with kidney stones on 20th may. Which was quite big in size and was there for long. Her diet was then designed for focusing both on PCOS and kidney stones.

After 2 weeks she renewed her plan for 12 more weeks (already had 10 weeks left from previous plan). It was all because she was confident and determined to make a change in herself this time.

She lost 5 kgs in less than 20 days. From 6th May to 25th May. Which is commendable with pcos and kidney stones.

By the time 1 month completed she felt she lost fat from hands and also collar bone was much visible.

Like most of Indians she was a tea lover but completed stopped because now she was aware how bad milk is for hormones.

By the time June end came she felt her kurtis getting loose in size.

In 2 months her weight came down to 68.4 kgs from 75.5 kgs.

Even her jawline became visible.

July end the progress went a little slow because of continuous treatment for kidney stones but was never stagnant. Also she was low on Vitamin D and started supplements for that. (Vitamin D plays major role in weight loss too.)

Even August went with treatment, stress, festivals. But the weight remain constant throughout which was 66. Even missed periods.

On September 3 the stones were all mostly cleared and even she got her periods naturally.
Also after this, the weight dropped to 65 kgs.

This was her feedback of overall experience so far!

By 12 October she reached 64 kgs from 75.5 kgs. By the mid of November drastic difference was visible in her looks.
Have a look!

Her height is 5”4 and weight is maintained within 64-65 so far. Also now she was more regular with her workouts.

December she left for her holidays in Maldives. And maintaining her weight between 64-66 since then. Here is her recent picture from Maldives.

Payal, I am really proud of you for coming this way. For never giving up. There’s still a long way to go and we’ll do it together with same efforts and dedication.

Love you lots payal. ♥