Welcome Beautiful!

Since you are here we can completely relate to how you might have been dealing with PCOS. And trust us you’re doing the best you can.

Weight gain, sudden hunger cravings, disturbed sleep, acne, excess belly fat, irregular periods, facial hair, mood swings and so much is there already. And the only solution people or even doctors give is lose weight, how ? Do exercise and control your diet.

Whenever periods are irregular the only remedy given is medication. Eat for 21 days and get your periods. When most of us get happy with getting periods we don’t realise that it is artificially induced and these medicines do come with weight gain as a major side affect in most women.

Now we aren’t against medication , it is necessary in some cases. But yes , treating the root cause is more important than combating your symptoms

But almost 90% of people fail despite doing the best for diet and exercise, with medicine.


Because PCOS is a result of hormonal imbalance. When our lifestyle isn’t correct, there’s junk food, it does lead to creating an imbalance in your hormones.


  • It focuses majorly on improving your PCOS first and then eventually focus on weight.
  • We will work on making gradual lifestyle changes, that are very simple and can be followed later as well to keep your weight under control and free from PCOS.
  • Hormonal imbalance is largely affected by your sleep schedule and pattern of sleeping, we will teach you tricks to sleep deep & better.
  • Physical activity ( slow ) is important and will be a part of daily schedule without stressing your body out.
  • Regulating your periods naturally completely by food and lifestyle changes.
  • Detox your body completely to clear your toxins, improve your skin texture, help your acne and skin glow.
  • Improve your blood profile- Hormones , blood sugar & insulin levels , Hemoglobin and rest parameters.
  • Help control your cravings and improve your food psychology. Basically help your relationship with food.


    • Your current ultrasound and blood reports.
    • Accurate weight, measurements and body fat analysis. Weight will be required on regular intervals.
    • All your updates, follow ups on time to keep a proper track of your progress.
    • Your faith and support that whatever we will make you follow is for your highest best only.
    • 90 days will be completely dedicated on healing you without a break unless there’s an emergency.

We do not have a count of women we have worked with for PCOS now, because there have been so many who have not only lost weight but completely reversed their PCOS as well with us.
We have seen them get regular periods on time, drop kgs drastically even after how they have struggled to lose weight, drop inches down, improvement in their skin texture and even a lot of women have conceived naturally as well. And all of this before they even completed the plan with us.
In this plan I’ll be using all my expertise and knowledge to make you heal completely. So be assured that 2022 will be the last year that you will have to deal with PCOS.