Making Weight Loss Simple

We help you transform completely by making you eat all the food you love, adding a physical activity daily and by improving your lifestyle.

We help you to stay Healthy,
Become Fit and live better.
Become the best version of you.

Welcome to Dietholics By Vani. We thrive to make your journey towards your goal weight and body a smoother and sustainable one. If you are looking forward to losing weight , we are sure you must have tried multiple things but still giving us a chance. You must have lost weight too and gained it back, because people only help you reach a weight and you are unaware of what to do next when the diet plan stops.
Here Nutritionist Vani not only helps you lose some kilos and inches but also teaches you so much about food , how it works and basic things that you can easily change in your lifestyle and be at your ideal weight & have a fit body for your entire life.

As a nutritionist when I started Dietholics By Vani, I never wanted to put any client who comes to me on something that made them unhappy , deprived or feel different than how they have felt all throughout their lives by eating something.

I always want my clients to enjoy the process of changing themselves for the better and not take it as a burden.
I never categorize food, I don’t label them into macros, protein, carbs or calories. People I work with are not well versed except for the knowledge available on google, so I never make them do something that they cannot on their own without me. I make clients eat what their body recognizes as the healthiest food for it, and that is why my results are quick and efficient. It is not because of how great I am as a nutritionist but because I remind your body of its power to heal.


We will help you Achieve your Weight Loss without making you starve.

We are sure you must have tried things before, contacted others for diet, heard this is good or works best. But you’re still missing out on that 1 little secret that will take you from your current situation to your dream body & health goals:

That is reminding your body to function as it started performing at the first instance.

Still Confused?
Let us make it more simple for you to decide. Do you remember your childhood, when your mother made a perfect combination of healthy and junk and still kept your weight maintained and gave a good physique?
But do you know why you put on after years and have an extra layer of fat on your body?

Mind In Balance

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Services we offer

We Will Help You Achieve Inner Peace.

know more about our transformation plans

24 days plan

8 weeks plan

Pcos reboot plan

24 Weeks plan

Pcos reboot plan II